Friday, February 2, 2007

Fabulous Foto Friday

Mom doesn't think that I look like a "frootbat" and she isn't sure I was a "feral" so she is posting Five Fabulous Fotos for Friday. I thinks it's a great idea bepaws I love all da comments about how purrty I am.

Here they are:

My 1st headshot.

Me being the bestest hunter.

Mom, why did you wakey me up?

I love you, Mom.

Take one more and I'll put bitey on the flashy thing.


KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

KC said....

hee hee, that last pickshure luks like you be saying, "TALK TO THA PAW".

those be furry good pickshures, u's do look so cute.

Daisy said...

B. Love, you are gorgeous! I think you should do a Big Man Cat Monday post!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Those are great photos B. Love. :) You are a very handsome cat.


B Love my sisfur, Gracie is lookin fur a nice kitty to go wif her to Beau Beau and Angie Balentine Party next friday...da too of yu has a lot in fact yu boff look a like. In am uncannie, how much yu too look da same. IF'n yu gets da chance she has a post up on Wacky Wed of dis week.

We fought dos were sum furry nice pixchurs of yu today.


The Meezers or Billy said...

great pikshurs!!!!!

Emma's Kat said...

B. Love, you are so cute and handsome! My Emma girl can't stop staring! [ahem] Did you see Emma's post for today? ;)


B. Love

Gracie sayz Momma email is:

Anonymous said...

furry nice pictures! we most 'specially like the "I love you Mom" one!

Mr. Hendrix said...

ha ha ha great photos! It looks like you and Gracie may be an item soon....You two would be very cute together. I'm tuning in to Wesson and Emma right now. Good luck buddy!

Tara said...

You are a beauty, and its great that you love your mom! Tara

Madness, Trouble, Squish and Milkbone said...

Oh you are a very handsome guy.