Thursday, April 19, 2007

I'm baaaaaaaaaaack!

It's been fur effur since Mom has let me on her computer to check out what's going on wif effurybuddy. She hasn't posted my pichurs. I don't even know what's going on wif Gracie. Mom is going to post some updated pichurs and I'm off to check effurybuddy out.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Man Cat Monday

I think that I look furry manly in this Man Cat Monday photo. It's all about the bedroom eyes.

Friday, March 2, 2007

Fun Friday

Me, having fun, with Hot Rick Granddad Cat's coat.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Thursday Thirteen #2

Thirteen Things about the Cat I never Met
I let mom choose a Thursday Thirteen because she is missing the cat I never met pretty hardcore.
  1. His name was Smith, but they called him Rines. (As in, Smitherines)
  2. He looked EXACTLY like that Jeter Harris fellow. (See photo comparison below.)
  3. He knew how to flush the toilet.
  4. He loved to drink from the faucet.
  5. He tried to escape to the outside all of the time.
  6. He laid on his back, paws up.
  7. He was a Momma's boy. (Wesson likes Daddy best.)
  8. He wrapped his whole furbody around Mom's leg when they took naps.
  9. He weighed 18lbs!! (A whole lot compared to my measly 6lbs., not much compared to Wesson's 25lbs!)
  10. He escaped once and no one knew for a few hours. He tried to climb back in through the closed window but it didn't work.
  11. When Daddy picked him up, he wouldn't let Rines down unless he squeaked.
  12. He is Wesson's real official littermate brother cat.
  13. He was the coolest cat ever. (I disagree, Mom.)

Photo Comparison of the Cat I Never Met and Jeter Harris

Tuesday, February 27, 2007


I was Kat's Cat of the Day yesterday!!!!!

Mom is sooo proud of me!!!

Thanks Yuki and Kimiko for letting me know!!

Cat Homes and Biteys

Mom and Dad have been looking fer a new cat home fer me and the big cat. She says that are too pensive and so she and my great grand cat dad are going to make one. She showed me this one and I luff it! I really like the leopard cause I'm such a pimp and leopard is definately pimpish.


I almost fergot. A big big big woofie came to our house the other night with my aunt Ashley. The big cat got real skeered and put the bitey on Mommy's foot and even drew blood! But I didn't. No, I showed big cat how it's done and whooped the big big big woofie all offur the house. After a few of my sneaky attacks, the big cat learned how to take control and began to slap the big big big woofie. He didn't do anything to bother us or anything, but we had to let him know who is boss. And we did.

Friday, February 23, 2007


For all who are concerned, might be concerned, and don't even care: I'M BACK!!!

Mom has been very silly about not posting for me in a while. She has been playing Pogo and looking for a woofie. A WOOFIE!!!! What am I going to do? What is Wesson going to do? If anycat has advice on how to cope with this...please, we need it!

A bit of good news:

Mom bought us a window perch! She put it in the spare bedroom where she naps so we can look out the window at the birdies and oh, I do love it. Wes and I take turns cause he's way too big to share. She also brought home some nip bubbles. Wow. What a trip.

Wesson is opening up to me. He lets me pounce and chase and even hump him. But then he does that to me and I don't like it.

Wondering if Gracie got her Balentine present. Oh yeah, Mom made me miss the party cause she said she had her own party to go to that she didn't know about. Sorry Gracie and Wesson says sorry Emma.

Thursday, February 8, 2007


B. Love is fine, thanks for all of your concern. His Daddy just overreacted, but better to be safe than sorry. He will probably get back to posting later tonight.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Thoughts and Purrs

Buddy isn't feeling well today. He is moping around and isn't very active. Please keep him in your thoughts and purrs. He is going to the V-E-T tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Torti Tummy Toosday and Balentine

Mom says I have a furry sexy Torti Tummy pichur.

I hope Gracie will think so too.

Oh! OH! I posted Gracie's Balentine video offur at Skeezix's. I hopes she likes it.

Monday, February 5, 2007

Man Cat Monday

Mom says effury man would do this if he could.

I'm just cleaning my leg, Mom.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Squirrel Tails and Chin Scribbles

Last night, I brought Mom and Dad a squirrel tail that I had captured, and laid it at the foot of their bed. They told me what a good kitty I was and I was happy. I wanted to show them what I had captured from the living room. Mom bought the squirrel tail at PetSmart but it came with a string. She tooked it off of the string and put the squirrel tail in the bottom of the cat basket bepaws Wesson and I didn't like it much. But I dug it out and brought it to her and she was proud.

So, we had a furry busy day today. Mom and Dad had all kinds of company. There was a little blurpy thing that came too. It petted me, and drugged me around on the carpet and I just laid there and let the little blurpy thing do what it wanted. Mom says I'm a good cat fur letting it play with me. And I got Greenies fur being so good. The grandad came over today and I met him fur the furst time. He plays with me real good and knows about my liking for chin scribbles.

Friday, February 2, 2007

Valentine from B. Love

Fabulous Foto Friday

Mom doesn't think that I look like a "frootbat" and she isn't sure I was a "feral" so she is posting Five Fabulous Fotos for Friday. I thinks it's a great idea bepaws I love all da comments about how purrty I am.

Here they are:

My 1st headshot.

Me being the bestest hunter.

Mom, why did you wakey me up?

I love you, Mom.

Take one more and I'll put bitey on the flashy thing.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Fur Brothers Unite!

Wesson, my fur brother, has his very own cat blog. Please go check him out and gives hims lotsa comments.

And Emma Kat, will get to meet Wesson. :)

Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen things about me:

1. I bark instead of meow.
2. Mommy is trying to teach me to stand up.
3. I got my teethers stuck in my leopard collar and almost choked today.
4. I'm really mischievious at night.
5. Daddy claimed me.
6. I met my Aunt Ashley today.
7. I chew on everything.
8. My paws are furry furry webbed.
9. Mommy says she is looking for me some clothes.
10. I got my furst comments today!
11. Wesson let me smell of him.
12. Mommy found my stash of toys behind the TV.
13. This is my furst Thursday Thirteen!!!

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Owls, Squirrels, and Puppies...

Mom found this in her craft room.

I don't know why she thinks I did it.

I told her it was Wesson.

Mom says I'm a nightowl. Just because I run frantically from room to room when it's time for bed, does not make me an owl. She also calls me a squirrel. Sometimes she calls me a puppy because my meow is a little...different. Does she not know that I am a cat? I think she might be stupid.

Dad stayed home today. He slept all day. Mom says that he is sick. All I know is, his hair was fluffy and to me he looked like a big baby bird.

Pimps, Cabinet Doors, and Euthanizations

So, I've been here for two days and it's the most wonderful place ever. Mommy holds me anytime I want, Daddy keeps saying something about this "Caz" fellow, and Wesson has almost stopped hissing at me. They bought me bunches of great catty things, leopard collar, leopard bed, and even leopard toys! Mom keeps calling me a "pimp" but I don't know what that means. Seems like this place is going to work out alright afterall.

Yesterday, I heard Mom and Dad talking about a word that I had heard a lot recently. I think it's "euthanize". Not sure what it means, but I've definately heard it more than once this week. She told Dad that if I hadn't come home with her, I would have been "euthanized" on Monday. Dad seemed pretty upset. I'm not sure what's going on.

Last night, I was soooo fiesty when everyone else had gone to bed. I almost got in trouble. Mommy hid my catnip in a cabinet with really high doors because I ripped the bag open when she wasn't looking. Who does she think I am? Cabinet doors are no match for the great B. Love. Silly Mommy. I swatted and swatted and swatted at the door with all my might, trying to get to that darn catnip. Man, that stuff is addictive. When I finally got in, the catnip was gone!!!! She must have hid it while I was entranced by my Crackler turtle. I am so outraged! I will find it while she is gone to class today, wait and see.