Thursday, February 1, 2007

Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen things about me:

1. I bark instead of meow.
2. Mommy is trying to teach me to stand up.
3. I got my teethers stuck in my leopard collar and almost choked today.
4. I'm really mischievious at night.
5. Daddy claimed me.
6. I met my Aunt Ashley today.
7. I chew on everything.
8. My paws are furry furry webbed.
9. Mommy says she is looking for me some clothes.
10. I got my furst comments today!
11. Wesson let me smell of him.
12. Mommy found my stash of toys behind the TV.
13. This is my furst Thursday Thirteen!!!


KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

Missy said...
Hi B. Love, we bof did ours furrst Thursday Thirteens today! I like ur list very much. you look like me a bit, too.

Have you been to Kat's Cat of the Day? Send in your pickshure so you can be Cat of the Day!!! I was, back last year on March 29th. There's a link on the side to submit ur entry.

Kimo and Sabi said...

Concatulations on yer first TT! It's our 3rd! Sabi got his teef caught in his collar yesterday and Mommakitty had to help him take it off - he was freaked out!

Come by and visit us - we'll add you to our bloggie roll!

Daisy said...

Oh, B. Love I am very happy to meet you. That is a very interesting list. Number 3 is scary! I hope you are ok. I would like to see a picture of yer webbed paws, that sounds cool! I added you to my links so I can come back to visit you all the time! Bye bye for now.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Nice to meet you B. Love. :) #3 on your list sounds very scary! I have webbed paws too! :) Welcome to Thursday Thirteen. :)

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Hi B. Love. We've neffur done a TT mostly cuz mom's pritty lazy. Oh, she claims she iz bizy wif work and school and stuff but we know she's just, well, lazy. We hope yoor o.k. aftur getting yoor *gulp* teef stuck in a collar. Dats furry scary! We'd like to heer more about how yoo gots yoor fureffer home.

Mr. Hendrix said...

those are great! i agree with missy. make sure you go to Kat's Cat of the Day! I got to be it last Oct. It was lotsa fun.

I get my back paw caught in my collar every once in a while. That is why I always wear a "break away" one. But I've been trying and I just can't get my teeth in there! You must be flexable.

We want to hear more about your night time adventures (the catnip one is hilarious!)

Emma's Kat said...

Very good! A great first T13 list indeed! Ya know, Emma got her collar stuck in her mouth like that too! She 'bout scared me to death because she flipped out and I could hardly get ahold of her to get the collar out! She was so scared. But, we got it out and no worries!

The Meezers or Billy said...

Hi B. Love - we is furry furry pleased to meet you! Great TT!!! Come and bisit us when you can!


Hi B Love -- we really likes yur name! Drop by and bisit us...


Anonymous said...

nummber 3 is furry skary! mebbe ya better ditch the collar.